According to video vixen, model and upcoming actress, Pamela Odame Watara, she has not banged for the past 2 months because she is on a banging break. (Video below) Pamela Odame Watara in an interview with blogger Zionfelix explained that even though she has a boyfriend but they are on a banging break and will resume anytime she feels like having sexual intercourse. On what she does for a living, Pamela Odame responded that she is model, video vixen and upcoming actress because she has starred in about 3 movies yet to be released. Pamela Odame reacting to social media trolls who claim she has no talent and that what has made her popular is her heavy and oversized ‘melons’ answered that yes, her oversized ‘melons’ are her talent. She also added that her oversized ‘melons’ augment her modeling and acting talents. provide you with the latest celebrities gists,savage reply and unique model cars straight from entertainment industry