Fashion entrepreneur, Toyin Lawani, has once again slammed trolls who find the semi-nude photos on her Instagram page distasteful. In a post she shared on her IG page, the mum of two wrote Do I look like I Give A poo ? Your opinions still don’t put food on the table , Go Back to your international celebrities pages and continue your night and day worship there , if my work inspire you let it , if my body and me being comfortable in it don’t please you , you can suck my pussy.... Bloody hypocrites Half of you Are nasty behind closed doors and you come out to blab poo about my kids , what they see is A Beautiful hardworking woman , your minds Are messed up ,so you don’t see the work ,Half of you can’t even work half as hard as me ,nor control all I control , so go fuck yourselves, Do I look like all those celebs you are comparing me with , they can never be me and I can never Be them , I’m Me and I’m happy to being me #kingofallQueens provide you with the latest celebrities gists,savage reply and unique model cars straight from entertainment industry