In a viral video posted by popular nollywood actor Jim Iyke, This little girl was sent home from school because she fails to pay her school fees in time. In her conversation with the person behind the camera with her sharp pidgin,The little students is really angry as she was sent home. She said "no be say I no go pay oo, dem go dey pursue person instead of them to flog person" I think the little girl is tired of being sent home often. She prefer to be flogged than being sent home. Meanwhile the nollywood acts tends to render help as he is about to get through to her parents. We lift ourselves by lifting others, it's a good deed by Jim, if every celebrities can be like him, children dropping out of school will be reduced, while many celebrities are spending their money on frivolities Jimi is building another human's life. provide you with the latest celebrities gists,savage reply and unique model cars straight from entertainment industry