Multi Billionaire and Microsoft co-founder, Bill Gates recently took to Instagram to flaunt a throwback photo. His words alongside the photo were ‘#TBT to that time I traveled halfway across the world to look at a toilet.’ See for yourself, He has always been a strange man. A rich one at that. Photos below : As a teen at Lakeside Prep School, Gates wrote his first computer program on a General Electric computer. It was a version of tic-tac-toe where you could play against the machine. Once his school discovered Gates' coding abilities, they let him write the school's computer program for scheduling students in classes. Gates slyly altered the code so that he was placed in classes with a "disproportionate number of interesting girls." Also during his teenage years, Gates read the entire "World Book Encyclopedia" series. Gates scored a 1590 out of 1600 on his SATs. Like many other successful tech entrepreneurs, Gates was a ... provide you with the latest celebrities gists,savage reply and unique model cars straight from entertainment industry