Pretty Mike who few months ago announced he recent "sex acquisition" named Amaka, has disclosed that his mother supports him having a sex doll. Pretty Mike who stated that he would prefer if people see the doll as his companion instead of a sex doll, told Saturday Beats that his mother supports him having a sex doll and also sees it as a phase that will pass. The Lagos socialite said; “My mother has always known that I am a peculiar kid and I am an entertainer who never plays with his entertainment business. So for her, she is very supportive. My mother is very supportive of anything I want to do, including having a sex doll because for her everything is always like phase with me. She would tell her friends that I am an adult irrespective of what I say and how I say it and she is not going to come to my house every day or be in my bedroom every night. “So she believes that everything I do is a phase that would not last forever. It could be for a short period of time... provide you with the latest celebrities gists,savage reply and unique model cars straight from entertainment industry