Seun Kuti in a new interview with Sahara Reporters, disclosed that SARS brutality will continue because Nigerians believe it is a norm. According to celebrated singer, the SARS officers are only doing what they have ordered to do and a manifestation of our own acceptance of our dehumanization. Seun Kuti who stated that SARS brutality will continue because Nigerians believe it is a norm, added that black people should know that we are entitled to be everything that humanity is.

"If you think there is a problem with SARS then there is a problem with you. SARS is doing what they are paid to do, they are doing exactly what they are ordered to do. You don't understand the attitude and psychology behind our behaviour but we all want to cry, the victim. SARS is the manifestation of our own acceptance of our dehumanization. As black people, one thing we should know is that we are entitled to be everything that humanity is, especially the bad and still be considered human being. No matter what you do, you are still a human being, this is what humans do," he said.

They see nothing wrong with pArents brutalizing a child or a family having an underaged “house help” who does all the work.
The moment you “arrive” (become an elected public office holder) it is expected that you flaunt your wealth publicly while throwing crumps at your sycophants that grovel at your feet.
Same sycophants that would burn an 8 year old child for theft or drive a nail through a child’s head after accusing the child of Witchery.
We so quick to praise the white man while dehumanize ourselves... we fight and kill ourselves while we parcel away our best brains to other countries instead developing them.