Kanye West wants to start his own church, and wants to minister to people from the pulpit as opposed to the studio, People reports.
Recall that Kanye West has been having jam sessions lately where he and his choir ‘take people to church’ by their powerful voices, and gospel songs they perform.

Beyonce bought a church.
Kanye starting his own church.
Waiting patiently for Nicki and Wayne.
Soon my local celebrities will join them and church will be rebranded as club.
The salt will finally lose its taste.
But the world will continue.
Religion... the opium of the masses... the greatest scam of mankind.
There are the likes of kanyes out there who have never visited a church for over a decade or have never visited one in their entire life. Club houses and performance halls are their churches. See kanye, who surrendered his life to serve God. This is awesome...one cannot say he chose to be committed to the work of God because he lacks money or fame. Indeed, God can change anyone. Those who stand should take heed, lest they fall.
Once God is at work in your life, whatever you have done in the past doesn't matter because He will forget them all, so long as you have chosen to truly serve him and stop dwelling on the things of the past. For me, this is a welcome development because many useless lives on the streets of America and globally will be saved. Kanye is like an idol to millions globally. Check the number of followers he's got on Twitter alone and you'd marvel