"I Hate Adultery, He Should Be Ready To Make Me his Life Partner Not Just A Baby Factory - Actress Nazareth Jesse
For Abuja-based actress, Nazareth Jesse, there’s nothing like having a rich husband that can guarantee his spouse comfort, peace of mind, love and care.
But then, the University of Abuja Economics graduate believes that it takes a rich man with the fear of God to be kind hearted towards his spouse.
On the kind of man she wants as husband, the actress said: “I want a man with vision, a kind hearted person, a man that is literate. I want a God fearing man with prospects. He should be ready to make me his life partner and not just a baby factory.
But then, the University of Abuja Economics graduate believes that it takes a rich man with the fear of God to be kind hearted towards his spouse.

Illiteracy is a disease.