Ghanaian actress, Efia Odo has stated that it is better to fornicate than to masturbate. According to her, both are still the same act of sin.
She however stated that masturbation is more spiritually devouring and can be compared to suicide or murder because it is self-infliction.

“It’s actually more spiritual damaging when you masturbate than fornicate. Yes they’re both the same act of “sin” but one is more spiritually devouring (masturbation). That’s self inflicting. Same thing like suicide and murder. To actually want to kill yourself! Self inflictions”,
Efia Odo tweeted.
In as much as I do not encourage either of the 2 options, I see masturbation to be more dangerous to male than the female. It leads to erectile malfunction as males grow in later years. Again, the premature semen( which looks like a watery semen that comes out first, after the pre-cum) is being forced out by force which is very dangerous to the reproductive health. Guys please, refrain from it.
She's only saying that to make herself feel better but deep down in her, she knows the truth