Nollywood entertainer and controversial person Uche Maduagu comes hard for Daniella Okeke for her statement on her If page over Buhari’s success in the 2019 elections.
Uche Maduagu made it clear that her big backside doesn't guarantee her Wisdom, as she has indirectly insulted Buhari suppoters.
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Wisdom is the escape of the human mind from its self-imposed limitations.
1) The principle of progress
At any given point, our mind is designed for one single purpose: to create progress. We are not happy with the world around us and are seeking ways to improve it, according to our needs.
To do so, we need data about the world, and about our needs. We need to turn this data into knowledge by finding logical principles that govern our inner and outer reality. Based on these principles, our mind derives strategies how to improve our situation. The improvement can be inside our minds, by changing the way we perceive and think about the world; and they can be outside, by transforming our outer reality. The inner path is less resource-intense and for some people quicker; but the outer path allows for more sustainable progress, since ultimately the outer world and out needs are (always) at odds.

While many philosophers and religious ideologies have attempted to fight this fundamental human principle of progress, I embrace it. It’s just how everything works. We need continuous progress, and once we achieve a stable upward trajectory of progress, we become happy forever. To create progress for ourselves and all others is our fundamental purpose and the meaning of life.
2) The Knowledge Problem: knowledge grants us power and then makes us dumb.
The principle of progress defines the fundamental challenge of human existence: we have to process our inner and outer world in a way that maximizes our efficiency in creating progress. Ideally, we can solve any challenge we face quickly; and create any more desirable future we can imagine an a fast and frictionless way. This perfect reality would allow us to be seamlessly happy: we constantly grow and transform the universe in our image.
The challenge lies in the data processing part that empowers us to do so. In order to create perfectly seamless progress, we need perfect knowledge about how the universe works. But most knowledge we have is either not entirely true, or, much more, it is irrelevant to our specific challenge.
Knowledge represents abstract principles that our minds derive from large datasets. But what only few people realize is that in any given dataset, we can derive an extremely large number of principles. We can’t just “analyze” data. We need a specific goal, a perspective from that we conduct the analysis.
But this means that the vast majority of knowledge is useless at best for any new challenge. At worst, existing knowledge is actually detrimental, because it prevents us from generating unbiased fresh knowledge that is optimized for the new challenge.
That’s why old people and “experts” fail so often and so dramatically in generating progress, and why 20-something tech entrepreneurs can bring down entire industries controlled by these experts by simply thinking fresh about the future.
This is the Knowledge Problem: The right knowledge is the single most powerful tool in the universe. But once used, it turns from being the key to progress to being the obstacle. If we only could find a way to generate great knowledge and progress, and still be smart in the next round.
3) The Wisdom Paradigm
Wisdom is the key to solving the knowledge problem for good. It is a specific way of thinking that allows us to overcome the limitations our knowledge imposes on us and to generate pure, fresh knowledge.
Imagine old people who can still think fresh. Experts who don’t fail at innovation. This is the power of wisdom. It’s important, because without wisdom, our entire society constantly falls victim to knowledge sclerosis.
At the core of the knowledge problem stands the following mechanic: someone builds up a large chunk of knowledge to solve a problem (or, worse, just by “learning” in school).
